Traffic Safety Lecture
So as to enhance students’ safety awareness, let them understand traffic law knowledge and improve their self-protection abilities, on the afternoon of 18th December, 2017, the 4th Squadron of the 2nd Traffic Police Battalion in Anqing City arrived at Anqing Foreign Language School and carried out a traffic safety knowledge lecture for students from the 10th grade. The lecture was hosted by Director Xu Haihong.
To start with, Officer Liu illustrated a great many startling cases with plain language, played some live videos of traffic accidents, analyzed the reasons behind these tragedies and enabled students to comprehend the significance of observing traffic safety code.
On the other hand, students were shocked, strengthened their safety consciousness of obeying traffic laws and felt the value of life as well.
Furthermore, during the interactive session, in combination with students’ age characteristics, Officer Liu proceeded oral interpretation and led them to be familiar with the common traffic signs in daily life in three aspects: color, shape and patterns, which pushed the event to a new high. Besides, students had a profound understanding towards road safety and knew how to prevent traffic accidents, stay away from danger and achieve healthy development.
Overall, through this traffic security knowledge lecture, students not only learned many traffic safety codes, noticed plenty of misconducts that were often neglected and were not in line with traffic security, but also boosted their self-defensive abilities and deepened their traffic safety awareness.